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Rev. Jeff Boyer

Jeff was born in New York City and graduated from a small-town Ohio high school. He came to Minnesota to attend the U. of Minn. where he studied Physics, Math, and Russian. He joined in the trends of college life, marching against the Vietnam War, exposing himself to radical thought, trying different philosophies and religions, and immersing himself in the drug culture. But even after hitchhiking and hopping the rails around the country, he still left empty, lonely, and without a purpose in life. He spiraled down into gloom and despair with no prospects in life.

My Story

BUT GOD: After Jeff met his future wife Jane in Minneapolis in 1973, they heard the true gospel for the first time, and they gave their hearts to Jesus in 1978. They have raised 3 children and served in various Twin Cities churches. To support his family, Jeff worked at many high-tech companies as a technical writer. He managed to complete a degree in Technical Communications from Metro State in 2005.


Jeff has also been a part of Forerunner Ministries led by Evangelist Mark Johnson. In the mid ‘90s, Jeff began playing saxophone and flute on worship teams in churches, coffeehouses, home groups, and on the streets. As part of Mark’s evangelism team, Jeff traveled to outreaches in cities across the country and overseas, including New York City, New Orleans, Atlanta, Hollywood, Duluth, Minneapolis, and the Ukraine.


After Jeff retired, God opened a door of ministry to men recovering from addiction at Metro Hope Recovery Center where he leads Bible studies and chapel services and mentors guys coming out of alcoholism, drug addiction, and depression. At JICF he is part of the worship team and the leadership team. Jeff says, “We are in the right place at the right time to see a move of God break out in Minneapolis and environs. With our unique experiences and connections to other ministries throughout the Twin Cities, we are positioned to help usher in God’s powerful transformation of the hearts of the people.”



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